The International Credit Program provides opportunities for students to earn academic credit while overseas throughout the year. Here's what's currently being offered for Winter 2024-2025.

Winter Session Calendar 2025

January 6 - January 31, 2025


Contact Dr. Ping Zheng

ACCT 1060Principles of Financial Accounting3
ACCT 3300Financial Analysis and Reporting3
ANTH 1105Foundations of Biological Anthropology3
ARTH 1230Objects and Identity3
ARTH 2135Introduction to Greek Art3
ARTH 2231History of the Theatre3
ARTH 2350Ancient Greek Theatre3
ARTH 3100Modern Drama3
ARTH 3115Western Culture: From 1800 to Present3
ARTH 3501Understanding Drama in Context3
BCHM 3030General Intermediary Metabolism3
BIOL 1213Exploration to General Biology4
BIOL 2753Exploration to General Microbiology3
BIOL 3210Introductory Developmental Biology4
BIOL 4020Advanced Cell Biology4
BUSI 1900Introduction to Business Law3
BUSI 2513Buyer Behavior and Marketing3
BUSI 2621Business and Commercial Law3
BUSI 3132Foundations of Management Information Systems3
BUSI 3220Business, Government and Society3
CHEM 1721General Chemistry I4
CHEM 1722General Chemistry II4
CHEM 2310Organic Chemistry I4
CHEM 2320Organic Chemistry II4
CHEM 3206Intermediate Organic Chemistry3
COMM 1080Introduction to Public Speaking3
COMM 1100Introduction to Media Studies3
COMM 1535Introduction to Effective Speech3
COMM 2095Organizational Communication3
COMM 2200Theory of Communication3
COMM 2350Introduction to Human Communication3
COMM 3266Public Relations3
COMM 4225Introductory Social Uses of New Media3
COMP 1300Introductory Programming3
COMP 1305Computer Programming in Python3
COMP 2036Object Oriented Programming3
COMP 2050Introduction to Computer Science4
COMP 2070Introduction to Informatics3
COMP 2112Data Structures and Algorithms3
COMP 3130Database System3
COMP 3135Algorithm Design and Analysis I3
COMP 4012Computer Networking3
COMP 4100Programming Language Fundamentals3
COMP 4210Introduction to Cryptography3
COMP 4320Internet Systems and Programming4
COMP 5230The Internet of Things3
COMP 5800Software Testing3
ECON 1080Introduction to Macroeconomics3
ECON 1310Introduction to Game Theory3
ECON 2048Money and Banking3
ECON 2135Econometrics I3
ECON 2563Introduction to Statistics and Economics3
ECON 2920Foundations of Financial Economics3
ECON 3043Macroeconomics Theory III3
ECON 3700Labour Economics3
ECON 4101Applied Game Theory3
ECON 4115International Finance3
ECON 4225Public Economics and Fiscal Policy3
ENGL 1140College Writing3
ENGL 1150Writing as Critical Inquiry3
ENGL 1251Rhetoric and Composition3
ERTH 1205Environmental Science Fundamentals3
ERTH 3370Fundamentals of Physical Hydrology3
EXSC 3314Advanced Strength Conditioning3
EXSC 3350Exercise Prescription3
FILM 2100Introduction to Film Studies3
FILM 3015Cinema and National Identity3
FINC 3500Corporate Finance3
GEOG 2450Foundations of Physical Geography3
GEOG 2455Geography of Health3
GEOL 2665Mineralogy Processing Techniques3
HIST 1010Chinese Civilization3
HIST 1100World History From Prehistory to 15003
HIST 2021Introduction U.S. History to 18763
HIST 2022U.S. History Since 18773
HIST 2610Early Modern Europe3
HIST 2680Greek History3
JAPN 3500Modern Japanese Literature in Translation3
MARK 3215Merchandise Planning and Buying3
MARK 4210Advanced Apparel Production Management3
MASC 3410Principles of Physical Metallurgy4
MATH 1526Introduction to Calculus I4
MATH 1536Calculus with Analytic Geometry II3
MATH 2015Introduction to Calculus II3
MATH 2016Introduction to Mathematical Methods3
MATH 2245Multivariable Calculus3
MATH 2410Applied Linear Algebra I3
MATH 2423Probability3
MATH 2520Principles of Linear Algebra and Differential Equations3
MATH 2849Elementary Differential Equations and Laplace Transformations3
MATH 2851Foundations of Stochastic Processes3
MATH 3006Abstract Algebra3
MATH 3500Applied Machine Learning3
MATH 3520Discrete Mathematics with Applications3
MATH 4255Advanced Calculus3
MECH 1200Engineering Dynamics3
MECH 2100Statics and Mechanics of Structures3
MECH 3810Fluid Mechanics3
MGMT 2400Corporate Strategy and Leadership3
MGMT 3210Applied Strategic Management3
MGMT 3255Introduction to Business Analytics3
MGMT 3330Responsible Management and CSR in Asia3
MUSC 1900American Popular Music3
PHIL 1100Introduction to Philosophy3
PHIL 1230Reasoning and Critical Thinking3
PHIL 2305Introduction to Logic3
PHIL 2400Introduction to Business Ethics3
PHIL 2613Philosophy of Science3
PHYS 1536 Introductory Mechanics4
PHYS 2460Principles of Modern Physics4
POLI 1401Foreign Politics and Government3
PSYC 1040Foundations of Psychology3
PSYC 2040Introductory Psychology3
PSYC 2056Introductory Sport and Leisure Psychology3
PSYC 3206Personality3
PSYC 3900Introductory Cognitive Psychology3
SOCI 1060Foundations of Sociology3
SOCI 2030Sociology of Gender3
SOCI 2130Sustainable Systems3
SOCI 2405Social science Research3
SOCI 3500Environmental Sociology3
STAT 1200Introductory Probability and Statistics3
STAT 2114Introductory Data Science3
STAT 3200Statistical Methods for Data Science3
STAT 3352Analytical Examination of Original Data3
STAT 3353Fundamentals of Statistical Methods3
STAT 4010Mathematical Statistics I3
STAT 4202Mathematical Statistics3
STAT 4203Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments3

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